I think we should really push this and get it into the players heards that there is a conspiracy against us.
Then we can always blame the ref when we dont get a result.
In fact maybe the next time we get Bentham in charge of a game the playerrs could not take to the pitch and concede the game without bothering to go through the rigmarole of playing and then being stitched up.
Alternatively we could get intio a lead and not switch off and allow any dodgy decisions to affect the reult.
The silly penalties we give away the powder puff tackling as players go to sleep etc etc.
AS TBC said on another thread.
Quote The biggest problem for me is there are 5 Giants players in that picture. Ben Harrison should have been nowhere near the line in the first place. Credit to him for getting the ball to where he did and for bringing doubt into the refs mind. '"
I have said it before and say it again. It is not the refs that defeat us it is the inability of ANY player at Fartown to seemingly concentrate for 80 minutes without having a nap.
If you are two scores better than your opponents then the odd reffing decision will not affect you too much.