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| Lock it PLEASE!!!
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| As posted on post match discussion thread
John Kear quoted on BBC website saying...
"But I wish people would keep of Shaun McRae's back. I think now is the time that the whole club need to pull together, be solid, be unified and support the guy"
I couldn't agree more
As for callumisared, if only there was a female genitalia emoticon
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| Tell you what never mind lock it. the pringle man is a joke. he asked fans what the OUR selection would be so i gave him mine!!!!! and I'm sorry for the "jezza smith w@nk stain club, can't say a bad word about him coz all of a sudden hes a scapegoat". i'm sorry but the bloke is poop, pure out and out poop, yes thats right the brown poop that comes outta your booty!!! I'm sure someone will come on and tell me how great he is tho, well to be fair if you do you dnt know much about RL. Disgustin again red!!!!
and as for kears comments right off, i know a few first team players, everyone hates Bomber, fatty needs to go. I'm not being funny he talks a good un but couldn't motivate deano in a spanish brothel!!!!!!
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| smith wasnt interested again last night hes always got his back to the play the ball in defence limping from the first ten minutes and looks as if he cant be d and all he does is that silly drop off pass that i was coaching langworthy under 10s seven years ago
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| Not entirely sure I've ever heard such mindless, and ill-considered drivel. You know, the ever decreasing standard of comment in I hear brandished around in the shed and on here is making it hard to stay involved with this club.
Now in achieveing this, and correct me if I'm wrong but you have to lose a fair few games throughout a season in order to get to this position.
Oh, what am I talking about. It's way easier to have a go at the coach. Tut... 
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| Quote Ave It!="Ave It!"Tell you what never mind lock it. the pringle man is a joke. he asked fans what the OUR selection would be so i gave him mine!!!!! and I'm sorry for the "jezza smith w@nk stain club, can't say a bad word about him coz all of a sudden hes a scapegoat". i'm sorry but the bloke is poop, pure out and out poop, yes thats right the brown poop that comes outta your booty!!! I'm sure someone will come on and tell me how great he is tho, well to be fair if you do you dnt know much about RL. Disgustin again red!!!!
and as for kears comments love right off, i know a few first team players, everyone hates Bomber, fatty needs to go. I'm not being funny he talks a good un but couldn't motivate deano in a spanish brothel!!!!!!'"
Yeah cos you have coached at SL level and know the game inside out, WOW you know a few players, well bully for you.

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| Quote Callumisared="Callumisared"i pulled him up to speak to him and it turned out to be a big argument!!! i asked him why he is not playing stef at stand off and he said its because we have got no centre's and i said bo****ks so i said explain what happened at warrington he said you tell me and i said to be honest i think you went in at half time and told them to relax because no other team would concede in the second half yes not even celtic.and then he goes on to say who do i play at centre's we have got no centre's so i said why are you asking me to tell you who to play centre your the manager not me you are getting feckin paid for this and we are the ones forking out to watch this sh**e.then he turned round and said to me so do you not have bad days at work so i said no its perfect for me ha ha so he says you are the only one in the world that does not have a bad day at work.........so after all i told him that he is nothing but a f*t slug and a f*t ba**tard and he knows nothing and he just laughed it off and i also pulled wilky and told him what i thought and he said to me i cant disagree with you so what does that tell you? and i also had a word with malc and asked him if the players have got a problem with the manager and he just shrugged his shoulders asif to say yh we have but he dint say it in words and apparently from what myler said to me he is undecided in the future which we all know is not true and that he is going for the £££££.'"
If i was mcrae i would of lamped you! You really are a tool! Does he miss tackles? does he give silly penalties away? Does he kick it out on the full? Does he drop the ball in the tackle? NO!!!! He canonly work with what he's got and like i've said before, you cant polish a turd!
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| callum, how would you feel if someone came up to you at work and spouted insults?
it's all well giving criticism, but not the personal stuff.
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| Quote Jaymc9="Jaymc9"If i was mcrae i would of lamped you! You really are a tool! Does he miss tackles? does he give silly penalties away? Does he kick it out on the full? Does he drop the ball in the tackle? NO!!!! He canonly work with what he's got and like i've said before, you cant polish a turd!'"
mcra is a f''king sh't coach wtf do you see in him.. he is well and turly past his good old days.. he might not miss the tackles but he picks the team and he plays his tactics which are w''k he is the one who is post to motive the players and by the looks of it the only fing that fat c''t motives is his fat a'' when walking across the pitch...
mcrea and simms out
lets get the willows buzzing again with the shed boomig and the only way this is going to happen is to make changes
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| Quote salfordtillidie88="salfordtillidie88"mcra is a f''king sh't coach wtf do you see in him.. he is well and turly past his good old days.. he might not miss the tackles but he picks the team and he plays his tactics which are w''k he is the one who is post to motive the players and by the looks of it the only fing that fat c''t motives is his fat a'' when walking across the pitch...
mcrea and simms out
lets get the willows buzzing again with the shed boomig and the only way this is going to happen is to make changes'"
Maybe making some changes to some so-called fans abusive attitudes might also help. There are ways and means to voice concern and spouting personal assaults is not exactly the most beneficial way to effect change.
When will assholes realise that it lessons any valid argument by mouthing-off insults.
In this case, the poster above has no other valid argument anyway apart from he doesn't think he's a good coach. Not exactly the voice of reason eh?
The fans are imploding atm. Fueled by ranting idiots on and off the pitch. I'm almost ashamed to be associated with them.

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| Quote salfordtillidie88="salfordtillidie88"mcra is a f''king sh't coach wtf do you see in him.. he is well and turly past his good old days.. he might not miss the tackles but he picks the team and he plays his tactics which are w''k he is the one who is post to motive the players and by the looks of it the only fing that fat c''t motives is his fat a'' when walking across the pitch...
mcrea and simms out
lets get the willows buzzing again with the shed boomig and the only way this is going to happen is to make changes'"
Same old rubbish from the same old fans who think they know it all! Was he a bad coach when we won at leeds? or at home to saints? or away at hudds? Its the players who are letting us down more than the coach! To get beat 50-0 in the second half at wire last week was a joke! Was that mcrae's fault as well? Was he the one that shown no and just folded under pressure?
we had all this we need change business when harrison was here. It happened and the same old rubbish is happening and it will probably continue coz there is bad blood at this club and it needs to go. Main one being alker imo.