Quote Ancient Provocateur="Ancient Provocateur"Good to see Macca wasn't swayed by the nostalgia mob wanting Reardon at FB. Halley deserves it and rightly so. In your face tigs'"
I'll start this off, please add as required, just keep 'em in alphabetical order and soon this will become the leading resource for new users who want to have a clue what we're on about
FA =Ferocious Aardvark, the board's nicest and meekest member, prominent in PT
GH = Darth "Gary" Hetherington, evil leader of the Dark Side
ME =mystic eddie, chief of SMB Clan
NM =Nostalgia Mob
NT =Negative Tendency
OSV = Odsal Sporting Village, the current name for a mythical Promised Land - promised to Bradford fans in fabled ancient writings and resurrected in return for much gold by soothsayers ("Consultants") on average every decade.
PT =Positive Tendency
RAB = Red Amber and Black, the only forum worth visiting
RER =redeverready, resident master of the cryptic one liner
SM =Steve McNamara, the current Bulls coach
SMB =Sack Mac Brigade
SS =Southstander (forum of the Dark Side) better (and more accurately) known as "substandard"